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Cleaning Stick Cleaning Stick

Cleaning stick for fast and safe cleaning of iron soles or other hot faces. Available per 10 sticks.

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Rollax Rollax

Silicon - Cleaner Rollax - Powder in tins of 250 g, for cleaning of thermoplastic rests of adhesives substances. Rollax contents highly vixcouses silicon, which guarantees a complete remove of rests of ad-hesives substances.

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Cleaning Pad Cleaning Pad

Cleaning Pads, of fine steel wool, for removing residues from iron soles or plates.

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Cleaning Paste Cleaning Paste

Cleaning Paste for fast and safe cleaning of iron soles or other metal faces of presses. Put the paste onto the hot place with a soft rag in circular movements, and then rub off with a clean rag. About 148  gr. 

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